Imagine this:

  • Your business becomes consistently profitable.
  • Your finances are in order.
  • You take home a great salary while confidently setting money aside to expand your business.

This may sound impossible, but it's a reality for businesses that practice the Profit First method. One of the most significant ways to reach this financial utopia is by understanding the percentage behind Profit First. In this blog, we'll break down these percentages and show how they can pave the way for a more profitable business.

What Are The Profit First Percentages?

The principle of the Profit First method is all about changing your perspective on money and how to manage your expenses. The percentages allow you to get a snapshot of your finances.

 Profit First percentages, also known as target allocation percentages (TAPs), help you divide your income into different accounts, each with different percentage allocations. Your TAPs define what percentage of revenue you'll transfer to each of your Profit First accounts (Profit, Owner's Pay, Operating Expenses, Taxes, and Income).

These percentages are designed to ensure that profit becomes a nonnegotiable priority. Here's a breakdown of the core Profit First percentages:

  1. Profit:  5%- yes, you read that right! Profit comes first every time! You have to allocate at least 5% of your total income to your Profit First account. This percentage ensures.
  2. Tax account: Be sure to reserve at least 15% of your income for taxes (you don't want the IRS running after you!). This allocation ensures you have enough money in reserve to foot your tax bill when the tax season rolls around. This way, you can say bye to last-minute tax worries and handle tax season like a pro!
  3. Owner's compensation- At least 50% of your income should go toward paying yourself (you worked hard for it!). This percentage is a game changer because it ensures that you, as an entrepreneur, receive a fair share and a consistent salary. This way, you no longer have to wonder if there will be enough left for you at the end of the month.
  4. Operating expenses- Finally, 30% of your income should be allocated to cover all your business expenses. This includes utilities, rent, office supplies, and employee salaries. The exciting thing about using this percentage is that it forces you to be resourceful and efficient with your income. 

Why Do These Percentages Matter?

What's the big deal about these percentages? Here's the secret tip- instead of covering only expenses first and hoping for profit at the end, the Profit First method ensures that profit is always a priority. 

How Do I Determine What Percentage Goes Into Which Account?

Determining how much goes into your Profit First accounts starts with Instant Assessments. It requires an analysis of your company's profit and loss and balance sheets and a review of your personal tax returns. From there, you can develop your specific allocation percentages. 

It's important to understand that these percentages are not set in stone because Profit First is a flexible system that can be tailored to your business's unique needs. While there are basic percentages for each Profit First account, you can also determine your business needs. 

Take Home

In sum, the Profit First percentages are a powerful tool for achieving financial stability. They help you prioritize profit, ease your tax burden, track your expenses, and prioritize your salary. By following this profit-focused system, you can transform your business into a profitable power.

Ready to embrace the Profit First method and take your business to the peak? Learn more here